
Hanuman Chalisa: Lyrics, Translation, and Meaning

The Shree Hanuman Chalisa is a revered devotional hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman, beautifully rendered by the soulful Hariharan. It opens with the powerful lines “Jai Hanuman Gyan Gun Sagar” and “Jai Kapisa Tihun Lok Ujagar,” celebrating Hanuman’s immense wisdom and courage.

Composed by the esteemed poet-saint Tulsidas, the hymn features evocative music by Lalit Sen and Chander, brought to life in a memorable music video starring the iconic Gulshan Kumar. Through its stirring melody and profound lyrics, the Hanuman Chalisa inspires and uplifts, honoring Hanuman’s divine strength and unwavering devotion.

Each verse of the Chalisa is a heartfelt expression of praise and prayer, invoking Hanuman’s qualities and seeking his blessings.

Hanuman Chalisa: Lyrics, Translation, and Meaning

Hanuman Chalisa Lyrics English Translation

Shree Guru Charan Saroja Raj
I bow to the lotus feet of the Guru,

Nij Manu Mukur Sudhaari
And cleanse the mirror of my heart.

Baranau Rahubhara Bimala Jashu
I describe the pure glory of Lord Ram,

Jo Dayaka Phala Chari
Who bestows the four fruits of life (Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha).

Buddhee Heen Tanu Jannike
Knowing myself to be ignorant,

Sumiro Pawan Kumar
I meditate upon the son of the Wind, Hanuman,

Bal Buddhee Vidya Dehu Mohe
Grant me strength, wisdom, and knowledge,

Harahu Kalesh Vikaar
And remove my sorrows and flaws.

Jai Hanuman Gyan Gun Sagar
Hail to you, O Hanuman, the ocean of wisdom and virtue!

Jai Kapisa Tihu Lok Ujagar
Hail to the Monkey Chief (Kapisa), who brightens the entire cosmos with his brilliance!

Ram Doot Atulit Bal Dhama
You are the emissary of Ram, embodying unparalleled strength.

Anjani Putra Pawan Sut Nama
You are the progeny of Anjani and the Wind God (Lord Vayu).

Mahaveer Vikram Bajrangi
Courageous and mighty, with a form as unyielding as a thunderbolt.

Kumati Nivar Sumati Ke Sangi
You dispel evil thoughts and are a companion to those with good sense.

Kanchan Varan Viraj Subesa
Your golden complexion shines brightly in splendid attire.

Kaanan Kundal Kunchit Kesha
Your ears are adorned with earrings, and your hair is curly.

Hath Vajra Aur Dhovaja Veerajai
In your hands, you carry a mace and a banner.

Kaandhe Munj Janehu Saajai
A sacred thread made of munja grass adorns your shoulder.

Shankar Suvan Kesri Nandan
You are the incarnation of Lord Shiva and the son of Kesari.

Tej Prataap Mahaa Jag Vandan
Your fame and glory are revered throughout the universe.

Vidyavan Guni Ati Chatur
You are wise, virtuous, and supremely intelligent.

Rama Kaj Karibe Ko Aatur
You are always eager to serve Lord Ram.

Prabu Charitra Sunibe Ko Rasiya
You find joy in listening to the divine exploits of Lord Ram.

Rama, Lakhan, Sita Man Basiya
Ram, Lakshman, and Sita always dwell in your heart.

Sukshma Ruup Dhari Siya’hi Dikhawa
You appeared before Sita Maa in a subtle form,

Vikat Roop Dhari Lanka Jarava
And in a terrifying form, you burned Lanka.

Bhim Roop Dhari Asur Sanghare
Assuming a gigantic form, you destroyed the demons.

Rama Chandra Ke Kaj Sanvare
You carried out the tasks of Lord Ram.

Laye Sanjeevan Lakhan Jiyaye
You brought the Sanjeevani herb and revived Lakshman.

Shri Raghuvir Harashi Ur Laye
Shri Ram embraced you with joy.

Raghupati Kinhi Bahut Badayi
Lord Ram praised you greatly.

Tum Mam Priye Bharata’hi Sam Bhai
“You are as dear to me as my brother Bharat (Lord Ram’s Brother),” he(referring to lord Rama) said.

Sahas Badan Tumharo Yash Gaave
Thousands of heads sing your glory,

Asa’kahi Shreepati Kanth Lagaave
Lord Vishnu embraces you, praising your deeds.

Sankadhik Brahmaadi Muneesa
The sages like Sanak and gods like Brahma also sing your praise.

Narad Sharad Sahit Aheesa
The wise sage Narad, Goddess Saraswati, and the serpent king also sing your glory.

Jam Kuber Digpaal Jahan Te
Yamraj, the Lord of Death, Kuber, the God of Wealth, and the protectors of the universe,

Kavi Kovid Kahi Sake Kahan Te
Even the greatest poets and scholars cannot fully capture the extent of your glory.

Tum Upkar Sugreev’hi Keenha
You helped Sugreev by introducing him to Lord Rama,

Ram Milaye Rajpad Deenha
Thus enabling him to regain his kingdom.

Tumharo Mantra Vibhishan Maana
Vibhishan accepted your advice,

Lankeshwar Bhaye Sub Jag Jaana
And became the king of Lanka, known throughout the world.

Yug Sahastra Yojan Par Bhaanu
You flew across the sky and swallowed the sun,

Leelyo Taan Hi Madhur Fal Jaanu
Thinking it to be a sweet fruit.

Prabhu Mudrika Meli Mukh Maahi
You held Lord Ram’s ring in your mouth,

Jaladhi Langh Gaye Achraj Naa Hi
And effortlessly leapt across the ocean.

Durgaam Kaj Jagat Ke Jete
You make the impossible tasks of the world easy.

Sugam Anugraha Tumhre Tete
By your grace, everything becomes simple.

Ram Duaare Tum Rakhvare
You guard the door to Lord Ram’s kingdom,

Haut Naa Agya Binu Paisare
No one can enter without your permission.

Sub Sukh Lahai Tumhari Sharna
Those who seek refuge in you find happiness.

Tum Rakshak Kahu Ko Darna
With you as the protector, there is nothing to fear.

Aapan Tej Samharon Aape
You can restrain your great power at will,

Teeno Lok Haankte Kanpai
Your mighty roar sends tremors through all three realms.

Bhoot Pisach Nikat Nahi Aavai
Evil spirits dare not come near,

Mahavir Jab Naam Sunavai
When one chants the name of Mahavir, the great warrior.

Nase Rog Harai Sab Peera
All diseases and pain are cured,

Japat Nirantar Hanumant Beera
Through the unceasing recitation of Hanuman’s name.

Sankat Se Hanuman Chudavai
Hanuman rescues those who meditate upon him,

Man Karam Vachan Dhyaan Jo Lavai
In thought, word, and deed.

Sab Par Ram Tapasvee Raja
Ram is the supreme ascetic and king of all,

Tin Ke Kaj Sakal Tum Saja
And you fulfill every one of his commands.

Aur Manorath Jo Koi Lavai
Those who bring their desires to you,

Sohi Amit Jeewan Fal Pavai
Will obtain the infinite fruits of life.

Charon Yug Partap Tumhara
Your glory pervades all four ages,

Hai Persidh Jagat Ujiyara
Your renown shines brightly across the whole world.

Sadhu Sant Ke Tum Rakhware
You are the protector of saints and sages,

Asur Nikandan Ram Dulaare
And the destroyer of demons, beloved of Lord Ram.

Ashta Siddhi, 9 Nidhi Ke Dhata
You bestow the eight siddhis (divine powers) and the nine nidhis (treasures and luxuries).

As’var Deen Janki Mata
Which Mother Sita gave you as a boon.

Ram Rasayan Tumhare Pasa
You hold the elixir of Ram’s devotion.

Sada Raho Raghupati Ke Dasa
May you always remain the devoted servant of Lord Ram.

Tumhare Bhajan Ram Ko Pavai
Through devotion to you, one finds Lord Ram,

Janam-Janam Ke Dukh Bisraavai
And the sufferings of many lifetimes are forgotten.

Ant Kaal Raghuvar Pur Jayee
At the time of death, one will go to Ram’s divine abode,

Jahan Janam Hari Bakht Kahayee
And be born as a devotee of God.

Aur Devta Chit Na Dhara’hi
No other gods can capture the mind,

Hanumanth Se Hi Sarv Sukh Karehi
For Hanuman alone bestows all happiness.

Sankat Kate Mite Sab Peera
All troubles are removed, and pain vanishes,

Jo Sumirai Hanumat Bal Beera
For those who remember Hanuman, the valiant hero.

Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Gosain
Hail, hail, hail to Lord Hanuman!

Kripa Karahu Gurudev Kinayai
Bless us as our Guru and protector.

Jo Sat Bar Path Kare Koi
Whoever recites this Chalisa a hundred times,

Chutehi Bandhi Maha Sukh Hoyi
Will be freed from all bonds and attain great happiness.

Jo Yah Padhe Hanuman Chalisa
Those who read this Shree Hanuman Chalisa,

Hoye Siddhi Sakhi Gaurisa
Will attain perfection, as Lord Shiva is the witness.

Tulsidas Sada Hari Chera
Tulsidas, the eternal servant of Lord Hari,

Ki Jai Nath Hiradaiy Maha Dera
Prays to reside in your heart, O Lord.

Pavan Tanay Sankat Harana
O son of the Wind, remover of obstacles,

Mangal Murati Roop
You are the embodiment of auspiciousness.

Ram Lakhan Sita Sahita
Along with Rama, Lakshman, and Sita,

Hiradaiy Basa’hu Soor Bhoop
Dwell in my heart, O King of gods.

Hiradaiy Basa’hu Soor Bhoop
Dwell in my heart, O King of gods.

Hanuman Chalisa Bhajan Lyrics Meaning

The Shree Hanuman Chalisa, authored by the venerated poet Tulsidas, is a hallowed hymn devoted to Lord Hanuman, the divine simian deity renowned for his formidable strength, sagacity, and unwavering devotion to Lord Rama. Here’s a paraphrased interpretation of its essence using distinctive language:

The hymn commences with a reverent homage to Lord Hanuman, beseeching his benediction to purify the heart and psyche. It acknowledges Hanuman’s role as a celestial figure who embodies boundless potency and virtue, and who bestows both material and spiritual rewards, encompassing the four goals of human existence (Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha).

Tulsidas presents himself as humble and unenlightened, thus seeking the guidance of Hanuman, the offspring of the Wind God (Lord Vayu), to attain illumination and alleviate distress. Hanuman is extolled as the epitome of wisdom and valor, the monarch of the vanaras (monkeys) who radiates brilliance across the cosmos.

Hanuman is portrayed as a dauntless and robust warrior, with a form as unyielding as a thunderbolt. His golden-hued visage, adorned with ear ornaments, and his mace signify his divine might and spiritual potency. His attire and regalia are depicted as resplendent and celestial.

The hymn recounts Hanuman’s pivotal role in the Ramayana, including his appearances in various manifestations to aid Sita, his incineration of Lanka, and his revival of Lakshman through the Sanjeevani herb. Hanuman’s unflagging devotion to Lord Rama is highlighted, illustrating his readiness to serve and his deep reverence from Rama.

Tulsidas emphasizes that Hanuman’s grandeur is so immense that even eminent sages, deities, and scholars cannot fully encapsulate it. Hanuman’s assistance to Sugreev and Vibhishan, leading to their victories, is acknowledged. The hymn also depicts Hanuman’s miraculous feats, such as traversing the ocean and devouring the sun, showcasing his divine prowess.

Hanuman is depicted as the sentinel of Lord Rama’s realm, ensuring that nothing transpires without his permission. Those who seek his refuge find joy and protection. Hanuman’s capacity to dispel malevolence and his ability to bestow tranquility and happiness upon his devotees are also underscored.

The Hanuman Chalisa concludes with a promise of liberation and eternal bliss for those who recite it, alongside a fervent plea for Hanuman’s eternal presence in the devotee’s heart, alongside Lord Rama, Lakshman, and Sita.

In essence, the Shri Hanuman Chalisa is a powerful and devotional hymn that celebrates Hanuman’s divine attributes and seeks his blessings for strength, enlightenment, and safeguarding.


1. Charan

  • Translation: Feet
  • Meaning: Symbolically refers to the divine feet of a deity or a guru, representing submission, respect, and devotion.
  • Annotation: In Hinduism, bowing to the feet of a guru or deity signifies humility and reverence.
  • Example: “I bow to the lotus feet of the Guru, seeking his blessings.”

2. Saroja

  • Translation: Lotus
  • Meaning: Lotus is often used to symbolize purity, beauty, and detachment, as it grows in muddy water but remains unstained.
  • Annotation: The lotus holds deep spiritual meaning, representing purity of the soul.
  • Example: “The Guru’s feet are compared to the lotus, which rises above worldly impurities.”

3. Sudhaari

  • Translation: To purify, cleanse
  • Meaning: Refers to the act of purifying or cleansing, particularly of the mind or heart.
  • Annotation: This term is used in a spiritual context, where cleansing refers to removing impurities of the mind.
  • Example: “Meditation helps to cleanse and purify the heart.”

4. Rahubhara

  • Translation: Rahu-bearer, i.e., Lord Ram
  • Meaning: Rahubhara literally refers to Ram, the bearer of divine virtues.
  • Annotation: Often used to describe Ram as a vessel of righteousness and truth.
  • Example: “Rahu-bhara (Lord Ram) is known for his pure virtues and strength.”

5. Bimala Jashu

  • Translation: Pure glory
  • Meaning: Refers to the untainted, divine glory of a deity.
  • Annotation: “Bimala” means unblemished or pure, while “Jashu” refers to fame or glory.
  • Example: “The saints often sing of the pure glory of the Lord.”

6. Phala Chari

  • Translation: Four fruits of life
  • Meaning: The four goals or “fruits” of life: Dharma (righteousness), Artha (wealth), Kama (desires), and Moksha (liberation).
  • Annotation: These are considered the ultimate objectives of human existence.
  • Example: “Lord Ram bestows the four fruits of life to his devoted followers.”

7. Pawan Kumar

  • Translation: Son of the Wind (Hanuman)
  • Meaning: Refers to Hanuman as the son of the wind god, Pawan.
  • Annotation: Hanuman is also called the Pawan Putra, symbolizing strength and swiftness.
  • Example: “Pawan Kumar is known for his strength and devotion to Lord Ram.”

8. Bal Buddhi Vidya

  • Translation: Strength, Wisdom, Knowledge
  • Meaning: These are qualities sought from Hanuman for a well-balanced life.
  • Annotation: Hanuman embodies these qualities, making him a source of inspiration.
  • Example: “The devotee prays for strength, wisdom, and knowledge to overcome life’s challenges.”

9. Vikaar

  • Translation: Flaws, imperfections
  • Meaning: Refers to mental or moral flaws, such as ego, greed, or ignorance.
  • Annotation: Vikaar prevents spiritual growth and is often contrasted with virtues.
  • Example: “Meditation can help remove mental flaws and purify the soul.”

10. Atulit Bal

  • Translation: Unparalleled strength
  • Meaning: Refers to an immense, incomparable strength.
  • Annotation: Hanuman is described as possessing strength beyond comparison.
  • Example: “Hanuman’s unparalleled strength made him victorious in all battles.”

11. Vikram Bajrangi

  • Translation: Mighty like a thunderbolt
  • Meaning: Symbolizes indestructible strength, referring to the power of a thunderbolt (Vajra).
  • Annotation: Bajrangi relates to Hanuman’s physical and spiritual might.
  • Example: “Hanuman is praised for his mighty form, which is as strong as a thunderbolt.”

12. Sumati

  • Translation: Good sense or wisdom
  • Meaning: Refers to clear judgment, right thinking, or good sense.
  • Annotation: Sumati contrasts with Kumati (evil thoughts), as Hanuman promotes virtuous thinking.
  • Example: “In his company, people find clarity and good sense.”

13. Kanchan Varan

  • Translation: Golden complexion
  • Meaning: Describes the radiant, golden appearance of Hanuman.
  • Annotation: Kanchan symbolizes purity and divine energy.
  • Example: “Hanuman’s golden complexion reflects his divine nature.”

14. Tej

  • Translation: Brilliance, energy
  • Meaning: Represents inner spiritual energy or divine brilliance.
  • Annotation: Tej is often associated with divine radiance or power.
  • Example: “Hanuman’s brilliance lights up the universe, and his fame spreads far and wide.”

15. Prataap

  • Translation: Glory, majesty
  • Meaning: Refers to fame or the majesty that accompanies a virtuous and powerful being.
  • Annotation: Prataap is earned through courageous and righteous actions.
  • Example: “His immense glory is recognized throughout the world.”

16. Sukshma Roop

  • Translation: Subtle form
  • Meaning: Refers to a small or delicate form, often used in the context of Hanuman shrinking his size to appear before Sita.
  • Annotation: Hanuman could alter his size according to the situation.
  • Example: “He appeared in a subtle form before Sita Maa, carrying Ram’s message.”

17. Vikat Roop

  • Translation: Terrifying form
  • Meaning: Refers to a large, fearsome appearance.
  • Annotation: Hanuman used his Vikat Roop to destroy demons and burn down Lanka.
  • Example: “In his terrifying form, Hanuman destroyed the enemies of Lord Ram.”

18. Bhim Roop

  • Translation: Gigantic form
  • Meaning: Describes an enormous, powerful appearance.
  • Annotation: Bhim Roop is used when Hanuman needed immense strength, such as fighting demons.
  • Example: “With his gigantic form, Hanuman overpowered all obstacles.”

19. Sanjeevani

  • Translation: Life-giving herb
  • Meaning: A magical herb that can revive the dead or cure serious illnesses.
  • Annotation: Hanuman brought the Sanjeevani to revive Lakshman during the war in Ramayana.
  • Example: “Hanuman brought the life-giving Sanjeevani to save Lakshman’s life.”

Significance of Hanuman Chalisa

The Hanuman Chalisa is a devotional hymn that praises Lord Hanuman, recounting his virtues, strength, and loyalty to Lord Ram. It begins with a humble prayer, seeking purification of the heart and intellect. Hanuman is hailed as an ocean of wisdom and valor, the son of the Wind God, and the embodiment of unparalleled strength. The Chalisa describes his heroic deeds, like his role in the Ramayana, helping Lord Ram, burning Lanka, and retrieving the Sanjeevani herb to save Lakshman. Hanuman is revered as a protector, a remover of obstacles, and a source of strength, courage, and wisdom. Devotees who recite the Chalisa are promised freedom from suffering, protection from evil, and eternal happiness, with a special bond to Lord Ram.

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Hanuman Chalisa Song Details:

🎵 Song: Hanuman Chalisa
🎤 Singer: Hariharan
📝 Lyrics: Tulsi Das
🎼 Musicians: Chander , Lalit Sen
🌟 Star Cast: Gulshan Kumar
🏷️ Label: T-Series

FAQs about Song "Hanuman Chalisa"

Who sung the song "Hanuman Chalisa"?


Who wrote the song "Hanuman Chalisa"?

Tulsi Das

Who are the starring artists (Star Cast) in "Hanuman Chalisa"?

Gulshan Kumar

Who composed the music for the song "Hanuman Chalisa"?

Chander , Lalit Sen

Which label released the song "Hanuman Chalisa"?
